Wednesday Skins Quote

rgi3[1]By Mark Pierce

Here is the post- surgery statement given by Dr. James Andrews, following his repair of Robert Griffin III’s injured knee:

“Robert Griffin III had successful knee surgery early this morning. He had a direct repair of his LCL and a re-do of his previous ACL reconstruction,” the statement said. “We expect a full recovery and it is everybody’s hope and belief that due to Robert’s high motivation, he will be ready for the 2013 season.  The goal of his treatment is to give him the best opportunity for a long professional career.”


About ImproperRedskin

I grew up watching the Redskins with my dad. I feel I've always been a part of Redskins Nation. I'm so excited about the direction the team is taking now. I feel somewhat exiled in terms of the skins living in Boston, even though I know there are other fans here. That's pretty much why I started doing this, to touch base with other Redskins fans across the country. There's always something to talk about with the Redskins, isn't there? I want to hear your voice.
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